Fine 18th Cty. Silver Leaf Japanese Screen of a Phoenix
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Directory: Antiques: Regional Art: Asian: Japanese: Paintings: Pre 1800: Item # 697673
Directory: Antiques: Regional Art: Asian: Japanese: Paintings: Pre 1800: Item # 697673
Please refer to our stock # R104 when inquiring.
Early 18th Century Japanese Two Panel Screen Painting featuring a spectacular Phoenix. Exquisitely painted with silver leaf on paper. Original brocade borders. Screens this early are very rare, and screens of these proportions are rarely seen. 28 inches (71 cm)w x 24 inches 61 cm)h. Good Condition. From a prominent and widely exhibited collection.
Early 18th Century Japanese Two Panel Screen Painting featuring a spectacular Phoenix. Exquisitely painted with silver leaf on paper. Original brocade borders. Screens this early are very rare, and screens of these proportions are rarely seen. 28 inches (71 cm)w x 24 inches 61 cm)h. Good Condition. From a prominent and widely exhibited collection.